Russia Contacts database [2025-03-01]

Product Code: RUS1990001
Availability: In Stock
Companies count
E-mails count
Example (*.xlsx)

About country: 

The Russian Federation is the largest of the 21 republics that make up the Commonwealth of Independent States. It occupies most of eastern Europe and north Asia, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea and the Caucasus in the south. Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area, but it's unfavorably located in relation to major sea lanes of the world. Much of the country lacks proper soils and climates (either too cold or too dry) for agriculture. Russia contains Mount El'brus, Europe's tallest peak, and Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world. Lake Baikal is estimated to hold one fifth of the world's fresh water.

Russia shares borders with fourteen neighboring countries. In order of shared border length, these are: Kazakhstan (7,644 km), China (Southeast - 4,133 km) and (South - 46 km), Mongolia (3,452 km), Ukraine (1,944 km), Belarus (1,312 km), Finland (1,309 km), Georgia (894 km), Azerbaijan (338 km), Latvia (332 km), Estonia (324 km), Lithuania (Kaliningrad Oblast - 261 km), Poland (Kaliningrad Oblast - 210 km), Norway (191 km), and North Korea (18 km).

Database stats (updated 2025-03-01): 

Field Count
Name 1'676'992
Address 1'676'992
Postal code 1'218'111
Phone 1'633'635
City 1'563'417
Activity 1'676'992
Webpage 326'706
E-mail 345'857
Reg. code 67'766
Fax 298'093
VAT code 1'284'115
Reg. date 1'290'996
Turnover 892'910
Number of employee 6'977

Are the emails, specified in the databases, active?

We automatically check e-mail relevance each month and the system excludes any inactive ones from the database.

I have paid for the services, when will I receive the database?

The system will automatically generate database files after the payment is received and sends you a download link via email.

How old are the databases?

Open source internet data is updated each month.

Where are companies catalogues collected from?

Business catalogues are collected from publicly available sources (internet websites, search systems, catalogues of the companies and other). We collect data only of active companies – the companies that publish their data in internet. If the company publish false information about itself we are not responsible for this.